Music Shield
Seeed music shield is an ipod/iphone dock compatible shield, can work on ATmega168 and ATmega328 based board like Arduino or Seeeduino v328, Seeeduino Mega and Arduino. It is based on VS1053b, can play variety of music format stored on MicroSD card.
- Standard interface for arduino board
- Multi-format "MP3" media player that uses a single VS1053b
- 2 control-push buttons and 1 knob switch
- Plays music from micro SD cards Decodes:MP3,WMA,WAV,MIDI,Ogg Vorbis,FLAC(with software plugin )
- I2S interface for external DAC
- Headphone/LineOutforplayback
- Line In for recording in OGG format
- Excellent sound quality: over 90 dB dynamic range for playback
- RoHS Complied