2012年6月18日 星期一

Bluetooth 4.0 (BLE) for iPhone

refer to : http://blog.bluetooth-smart.com/2011/11/03/iphone-4s-says-goodbye-to-mfi-for-bluetooth-smart-devices/

According to this message from Brian Tucker, Senior Software Engineering Manager iOS Bluetooth Technologies Apple and Bluetooth SIG Board of directors member:
Bluetooth Low Energy is not part of our MFi accessory program. A third party application can interact with a BTLE accessory via a new framework found in iOS 5 and OX X 10.7.2, called Core Bluetooth

 The CC2540DK-MINI development kit provides a working reference design for software development of single-mode Bluetooth® low energy (BLE) applications based on the Texas Instruments CC2540. The included “keyfob” board operates as a BLE peripheral device, and contains modifiable software that can be tailored towards different applications. Using BTool (Windows PC application) along with the included CC2540 USB Dongle, the Texas Instruments CC2540 BLE stack can be tested and verified while developing custom applications.

